Cook The Right Meal For The Household To Make Them Healthy Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

The entire world was caught off guard with the emergence of the 2019 novel coronavirus (now formally known as SARS-CoV 2). The spread of the disease it is causing, the  coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19), became so massive that the World Health Organization (WHO) has finally declared it as a pandemic, with millions of people around the globe at risk of contacting the disease.

As major cities in every continent of the world were forced to impose lockdown in hopes to slow down the spread of the disease, people staying inside their homes are left with no choice but to hope that the situation will return to normal in the coming days or weeks. The problem is that the COVID-19 crisis has yet to show signs of letting up, and there is a big possibility that the world as we know it will take about several months, or even years, to recover. For us staying at home, the best thing for us to do in the time of pandemic is to make our bodies healthier, and to do so, we should eat healthy and nutritious food.

Don’t Forget To Add Ingredients To Your Meal That Are Rich In Vitamin C And Zinc

If you are in charge of cooking the meals for your household, you have the big responsibility to keep everyone in the house healthy. You will have to think of healthy meals that will boost the family’s immune system, making them less likely to contact the novel coronavirus that is literally knocking on our doorstep. Of course, cleaning the ingredients before cooking them is a must.

For starters, eating a healthy amount of zinc daily has been attributed to an improved immune system, thus making this mineral a top choice to be included in our everyday meal. A zinc-rich meal can be trusted in making our bodies better equipped in the time of a COVID-19 pandemic. Zinc has also been tied to faster wound healing and cellular repair. Specifically, many studies have shown that zinc can help shortening or lessening the impact of the common colds to our body. To note, the SARS-CoV 2 is a known relative of the usual cold-causing coronavirus, and as COVID-19 causes similar symptoms as colds and other upper respiratory illnesses, zinc has the potential to protect our bodies against this new coronavirus strain.

In this case, why not prepare a hot and delicious soup for the family with special mushroom and kale as toppings?

This is already some kind of a giveaway, but it will be a challenge for the household chef to include Vitamin C to the family’s daily meal. All we all know by now, Vitamin C is an effective antioxidant. Its positive effects to our skin is just a bonus, although its amazing aid to our immune system is why we should always eat food rich in Vitamin C. As a tip, you can squeeze some lemons to the main course to give the food some zesty taste, and also a guaranteed protection against illnesses. Adding some chili peppers and kale to the food is also nice. While eating a healthy and scrumptious food at the dining table, you can also watch with your IPTV France to be updated with the latest developments regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why You Should Try To Embrace ‘Keto Lifestyle’ For A Healthy Living

You can find a lot of diet tips on the Internet, and chances are you have already tried a bunch of them but the results are yet to be seen. Of course, dieticians can suggest a number of ways for you to reduce your current body weight somehow, but one thing is for sure: trimming excess fats in your body will not happen overnight, and you should not expect a drastic change in your body mass in just a matter of days, not even in weeks.

Patience is the key if you truly want to commit to losing weight and be healthy, but for others, the secret to achieving your dream fit body in a short span of time is the right technique. The technique is not to starve yourself by limiting the amount of your daily food intake. Choosing the right kind of food in every meal is the answer. At this moment, let me introduce you to what many have been calling the ketogenic diet, and why you should join the movement to embrace a keto lifestyle. You won’t even need some data science skills test to check its effectivity!

Ketogenic Diet In A Nutshell: Preferring ‘Healthy’ Fats Over Complex Carbs

As the term itself implies, ketogenic diet promotes our bodies’ production of ketones after eating a meal. Ketone is said to be responsible in reducing our blood sugar levels and preventing the possibility of any excess sugar intake to be converted into body fat. Likewise, high ketone levels in our body is said to improve our metabolism, and in the event that our bodies need additional source of energy for our activities, the excess fats in different parts of our body will be used and burned in the process.

To strictly abide to a ketogenic lifestyle, you must prepare your meals that are high in fat but very low in carbohydrates. Sadly, this is the moment when you should part ways with cakes and other sweet delicacies. However, you will find that there are many other food out there rich in fat that you can enjoy. You should learn new healthy recipes that will include the essential nutrients you will need in your keto journey.

To make things simpler, keto diet is similar to other diets that you heard before, except that instead of protein, your body will run on high amounts of fat so that ketosis will be in effect.