Majority of the American households fail at sanitation audits. This is due to the reason that most of the practices used on a regular basis are promoting bacterial growth that result to food-born illnesses. Well luckily, no homeowners need to have a perfectly safe kitchen. There are minute changes that can be made which are extremely simple as well. Good thing that homeowners don’t need to be perfect. Because for låsesmed oslo service, everything has to be done perfectly. Otherwise, it would take more time for their job to complete.
Back to homeowners, taking basic culinary programs over the web, you’ll be able to educate yourself on the best kitchen practices to apply.
Clean Kitchens for Healthier and Delectable Dishes
But what are actually these “best and safe” kitchen practices?
As a matter of fact, this all starts by having clean counters. You might be thinking of brushing away crumbs after every time you cook. But this goes beyond that. Because, you need to wash as well the workspace you have. Seeing a bit of raw egg whites, spilled wine or juice from meat would harbor bacteria over time.
So keep in mind, just wiping the counter will not only remove food particle.
Rather, choose antibacterial soap or disinfecting wipe to thoroughly clean countertops after every use whether it is snack or meal preparation.
Extending Food Life
Bring leftover foods in the fridge within a max of 120 minutes after taking it off the heat. The reason here is that, bacteria tend to thrive in temperatures that are between 40 to 135 degrees Fahrenheit. What’s more, they grow faster after passing the 2-hour limit.
Clean or Buy a New Cutting Board
Say that you are using a cutting board for meat, poultry or meat, then you have to buy a new one or thoroughly wash it before you cut another food item. The raw juices from the meat make it the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and it would transfer it to other foods that it comes contact with.
As per FDA recommendations, the cutting board has to be washed with water and hot soap and douse it with mild chlorine bleach solution.
This effectively kills any harmful bacteria that live in the cutting board.