One thing is particularly important in healthy cooking: freshness. There are all sorts of ideas about how to eat healthily and what rich cuisine means. It is important that you find your own individual path. Read more while checking the bonuses on

Cook healthily – you can do it with these ingredients

Fiber, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and sugar are central components of your diet. It is important to find the right combination and quantity for you.

You will manage to eat a healthy and balanced diet with these simple tips:

Cook with fresh vegetables. Experiment with the preparation: Whether hearty baked vegetables or seared antipasto, a variety of cooking is fun and delicious.

Cook with locally sourced ingredients. You can change your menu according to the season and balance is guaranteed.

If you’re in the mood for something sweet, try fresh berries, natural yogurt, nuts, and fruits.

Cook your meals yourself and do not use pre-cooked ready-made products.

Buy whole-grain bread instead of toast or white bread. Whole wheat flour contains important fiber that has been removed from the white flour. You should therefore also bake with whole wheat flour and avoid white wheat flour if possible.

If possible, avoid a heavy meal in the evening and have a vegetable soup or salad instead.

Fresh meat and fish provide protein. The rule here is: less is more.


Cook healthily – you shouldn’t do that

While vegetables, grains, and fruits are vital, other foods make you sick.

You should avoid the following ingredients in a healthy diet:

Too much sugar makes you sick and fat. Avoid sweets such as chocolate bars, gummy bears and sweets. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a piece of chocolate every now and then or a piece of home-baked cooking.

Eliminate soft drinks like cola, fanta, sprite, and sweet soda. Instead, drink a glass of fresh orange juice every now and then.

Keep your sausage consumption to a minimum. Instead, enjoy a good, fresh piece of meat every now and then.

Avoid French fries and chips. Homemade potato wedges are healthier and just as tasty.

Avoid ready meals. Cook fresh and rich.